
Welcome to the PERI Guide

Discover the comprehensive guide for using PERI, your go-to platform for professional management solutions. Whether you're new to the platform or a seasoned user, this guide provides valuable insights to maximize your experience and leverage the full potential of our management system offerings.

Table of Contents



  1. For user registration, go to Employee in the sidebar
  2. Click on the Add button

Employee registration


Add Employee


User Registration Process

  • Add user personal information


Adding Personal Info


  • Add user shift, punch in/out device, and enable/disable biometric in attendance configuration.

Attendance Config


  • Upload user documents

Upload Docs


  • Add user login email and password to account sharing 

Account Setting


The free trial will be for 7 days. 

For an upgrading plan, go to Plan and click on the subscribe button.



The plan screen will be open with available plans.

Plan Renew or Subscribe


The plan will be renewed after clicking on the Renew Plan button.


Employee Management System


To go to the Employee module, click on Employee at the sidebar.

Employee Option


All employees will be displayed on the screen.

Filters can also applied to show specific employees.

Employee Screen


After Web Department Filter Applied. 

Employee Filters


Employee details can be Edit by clicking on the Edit icon ✏️.

Edit Employee Details


  1. Personal Information
  2. Attendance Configuration
  3. Documents 
  4. Account Setting
  5. Resignation/Termination 

    details can be edited.

Edit Details


Employee ID in the registration process must be the same and used in registering employee details on punch in/out machine.


Employee ID must be same and used in Registering employee in machine


Roles and Permissions


There are 3 major roles in the System.

  1. Admin - which has all access
  2. Employee - which has access to own contents
  3. Client - which can access to view own project performance



To view roles, select Roles, by selecting Setting > Roles 



All roles are shown on screen,

Roles can be  1 Edit ✏️ or  2 Delete


Edit or Delete Role


New roles can be added by clicking on the Add button.

Add Role


Create Role window will be open to add users and permissions.

Add role


Permission and Users can be selected after clicking on it.

Add Role


Role will be created after clicking on the create button.

Add Role


A new role will be added and displayed on the roles screen

new role added on role screen


The role can be edited by clicking on edit icon ✏️

Edit role


The edit role window will be open to edit users and permission,

Edit Role


The role can be deleted by clicking on the delete icon.

Delete Role


The role will be deleted and a confirmation message will be displayed on the screen.

Delete role



To go to the Permission screen, Click on Permission, at Settings > Permissions



Role Permission screen will be open

Permission Screen


View Role and Permission by clicking on Permission Name i.e. HR Manager Permissions


Admin has access to allow or disallow features of the system, to different roles.

Permissions of System



Leave Type

To Add, Edit, or Delete leave, go to the leave option by selecting Settings > Leave Type.

Leave Type


  1. Leave can be Added by clicking on Add Button
  2. Leave can be edited by clicking on Edit icon ✏️
  3. Leave can be deleted by clicking on Delete icon


Add, Edit, Delete Leave

All Leave are shown under the Leave type Column.


To add Leave, Click on the Add button and enter the leave type i.e (Casual Leave, Medical Leave), Leave Duration i.e.(Yearly, For 3 Months, For 6 Months) and Leave Count i.e. (total allocated leaves to leave type, i.e. Medical Leave has 10 leaves allocated)

Add Leave


The leave can be edited once created. To edit leave click on the Edit Icon ✏️

Edit leave



To Add, Edit, or Delete Shift, go to the leave option by selecting Settings > Shifts.



  1. Shift can be added by clicking on Add Button
  2. Shift can be edited by clicking on Edit icon ✏️
  3. Shift can be deleted by clicking on Delete icon


All the shifts will be mentioned under Name Column.

Add/ Edit/ Delete Shift

To add Shift, Click on the Add button and enter the Shift Name i.e. (Night Shift or Morning Shift), Shift Starting Time, End Time, Break Start Time, Break End Time, Half Day Start Time, Half Day End Time.

Add Shift


The shift can be edit once created, to edit shift, click on Edit Icon ✏️

Edit Shift



To Add, Edit, or Delete Departments, go to the leave option by selecting Settings > Departments.

Add Depts


  1. Departments can be added by clicking on Add Button
  2. Departments can be edited by clicking on Edit icon ✏️
  3. Departments can be deleted by clicking on Delete icon

All the departments will be mentioned under Department Name Column.

Add/Edit/Delete Departments


  1. To add departments, click on Add Button and enter Department Name
  2. After entering department name, click on Create button.
  3. Department will be created and shown on table.

Dept Creation


The department can also be edited or deleted by clicking on the edit icon ✏️ or delete icon.


Device Configuration

To add or edit punch in/out machine configurations to go Setting  > Device Configuration

Device Configuration


Device Configuration screen will be open where 

  1. New Device can be added
  2. Device Configuration can be edit  ✏️
  3. Device can be deleted


All the available device(s) name, device port and device ip  will appear in the table.

Device Setting


  1. To add a device, click on  Add Button
  2. Enter device name, external port, and IP address of the device
  3. Click on Create Button to add a device.

Adding Attendance Record Device


To Edit or Delete Device information click on Edit Icon ✏️ or Delete Icon as mentioned above. 



In case of any support or help, Click on the Support option in the sidebar.



Support Screen will be open, to send a message, click on 1 Add Button

2 Filters (Sent, Open and Resolved, Resolved and Closed) can be applied.

Filter and Support


To chat with Company, click on Add Button as mentioned above image.

  Add Chat


After clicking on the Create Button, Confirmation message will appear and the ticket number will be allocated to chat with ticket id, ticket status and chat option.shown in table.

Ticket Number


  1. To send detail message click on Chat Option, under Action column.
  2. Type detail message and click on send button. 


Chat Screen


After click on Send Button, Chat will appear will a Successful message

Send Chat

User can also keep track of chat by noticing the time

Send Chat

All messages will displayed at the Company Admin Panel.